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"Very impressive ...." Kindest Regards
"We have total faith in your work and service."
"A phenomenal job done with this newsletter, and right up to date with the Federal Budget."
"We like your work on our subdivision. Would you work on another one for us, elsewhere?"
"I appreciated your involvement. ... You came highly recommended and we realize why."
Consummate professional
"... Your report was very useful in defining the risks and we sought this [extra specialist] ... advice to clarify things."
"Your guidance about where to look, and what to look for, really crystallised our thinking. We are very happy with the waterfront 30 acres we have just bought."
"Thank you for your knowledge, focus and clear direction: you gave us confidence to stick with the process and do what it took to achieve our sale."
(Update...) "Thank you again for your kind assistance. Yes, we settled on ... We’re relieved, because it was such a drawn out stressful experience and now we can move on."
"Thank you for your expertise in helping us to understand the workings of the Central Coast Council and your advice on the various options open to us."
"Excellent thanks very much Helen!"
"... You have patiently and skillfully sent info on the Central Coast Property issues for years, thank you.
You provide a great service to the area .... and for free!"
“You have done it! ... (Council) said you hit the nail on the head.” (‘Challenging’ neighbours... Threatened Council breach action to cease.)
"Thank you so much for your work. ... You have been a blessing to us and we could not have done this without you. ... [We] ... have always believed in finding the most skilled specialists for each project, and through [a local real estate agent] we found you. You led us along this journey, told us how to connect and who to connect to and through listening to your advice we reached our goal today ..."
"Thanks again for a great, concise report."
This business delivers prompt service which responds to clients’ objectives. We are the first stop for developers with small to medium projects, particularly on environmentally sensitive land.
The services of Highlight Consulting range from pre-purchase reports and auction advice, through planning proposals, rezoning applications, Development Applications for all purposes, advice on State and local government regulatory changes, rectification of breaches, tactical advice and sustainability advice for property owners, especially for predicted changes in coastal erosion, sea level rise, flooding, species and bushfire. The whole range of specialist professions required to meet Council and State requirements is available through Highlight Consulting.
Clients’ goals are clarified early, with a response about alternative means to achieve those goals, along with the consequences of each alternative. Clients can be involved in the design process as well as negotiations with Council. We specialize in project managing your application to maximize the combination of achieving your goals and gaining approval.
For sustainable solutions in the property industry, call us on 0439 465 441.